All prices include shipping and apply to Australian orders only
There are many different products on this page, scroll down to view

NOTE: We no longer use PayPal       Please email us your order

Colloidal Silver Electrical GeneratorIMG_6407

Full generator kit scroll further down this page.

Optional 1 ltr glass jar with holes in the lid for the rods can be ordered at an additional $20.00 with this kit.



Generator, pair of silver rods, instructions


half liter

2 x 550 ml Colloidal Silver Water in Amber Glass Bottles

$45.00 AUD

Please email us
to order


four point 2 liter

4.2 Liter Colloidal Silver Water in HDPE Foodgrade Plastic

$79.00 AUD

Please email us
to order


Buy Both Generator and TDS Meter  save  + Free Silver Gel Jar 35gm

Full kit comes with everything you need to make CS  plus TDS meter

All prices include free postage in Australia

Optional 1 ltr glass jar with holes in the lid for the rods can be ordered at an additional $20.00 with this kit.

Generator, Pair of silver rods,
TDS Mete
r, + free Silver Gel
+ Instructions


$299.00 AUD

Please email us to order


Spare Pure Silver


Probes x 2 (115mm x 3mm)

Purest silver
@ 99.99%

Works with any generator
More information


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For Orders

TDS Meter

Measures the total dissolved solids in PPM
(Parts Per Million)
Same as mg/liter

Takes out the guess work

More information

$99.00 AUD

Please email us to order



Silver Gel 

x 2 jars
minimum order

Unique product
60g Jar

More info

two jars

Please email us
to order



Silver gel

x 4 jars
minimum order

Unique product
35g Jar

More info

four jars

Please email us
to order



 99.9% Pure MSM 400 g

Methyl Sulphonyl Methane

Highly bio available

Sulfur Supplement

White   crystalline powder.
Dissolve  in water or fruit juice. 

 400 g jar

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For Orders

Out of stock


99.9% Pure MSM 800 g

Methyl Sulphonyl Methane

Highly bio available
Sulfur Supplement

White   crystalline powder.
Dissolve  in water or fruit juice.  

 800 g jar

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For Orders

Out of stock


99.9% Pure MSM
Methyl Sulphonyl Methane

Highly bio available
Sulfur Supplement

White   crystalline powder.
Dissolve  in water or fruit juice.  

2.8 kg



Out of stock

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For Orders

stacks of small jars

Refill for display box 12 x 35g Silver Gel jars plus free tester jar
  More info

Restock again
for display box

Open to public


Please email us
to order



6 x 60g Silver Gel jars, will fit into display box.

Free postage & Handling

Sell in markets, shops etc

Open to public


Please email us
to order



Silver gel kits;

1. 24 x 35g jars + thickener + free postage  $99.00

2. 12 x 60g jars + thickener + free postage  $99.00

Make your own silver gel for gifts or resale its up to you, open to public

Please email us
to order

 $99.00 only

1 btn_cart_LG

2 btn_cart_LG


Gel Thickener only, you supply you own jars

Enough to make up 2 ltr worth.

includes postage

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For Orders

We now accept bank payments only.
Please email us to order



Colloidal Silver
Electric Generator Kit


Colloidal Silver is a powerful natural antimicrobial

Full kit Feb 2010

The Colloidal Silver Generator
Kit is assembled here
in Australia thereby saving you $$, this generator produces
the best colloidal silver,
It is reliable and robust with long life expediency. Perfect
for home use, farm, travel, stud, etc.
We have only had one return in the last 5 years where
the generator was faulty.

Colloidal Silver Electric Generator  
Warranty: 12 months against faulty workmanship, not against abuse

Colloidal Silver Rods / Probes

2 Per Pack, 99.99% Pure Silver 115mm long,
3mm wide supply you with many years
of the best quality Colloidal Silver.

Colloidal Silver probes04

115mm x 3mm, silver probes/rods, best to be had at the hard-to-obtain purity of 99.99%
2 rods per order. Make colloidal silver yourself.

For use with the Colloidal Silver Generator.

Suggested Use: As directed with Colloidal Silver Generator instructions.

Only 119.00 AUD
Includes shipping

Contact Us For Orders


TDS Meters (Total Dissolved Solids)

TDS is the concentration of a solution as the total weight of dissolved solids. These meters are widely used by Colloidal Silver hobbyists, and actually measure the particles of a solution.

 A greater concentration of solids will cause the electric current to flow faster than a solution with a lower concentration. Microprocessor technology uses an in-built factor to  the readout in parts per million (PPM) or particles of silver in a water solution.

This TDS meter will make it easier for you to know the strength of your colloidal silver batch, it takes out the guess work in the PPM for each batch you use or sell.

Order Both Generator and TDS meter Now, or go to the order form above


CS Gel    

60gm jar

 Is an antimicrobial, non-toxic, natural, water-based gel.

For external applications only. 


Available in 35ml x 4 ($45.00)
and 60ml x 2 ($45.00) jars


Click here to order


Q. How does the TDS meter work

A.  The TDS meter is easy to operate.

The TDS meter is already calibrated for you ready to use.

Turn on the meter and insert into the glass, make sure the
water does not go further then the top of the probe where the cover lid fits.

The TDS meter will give you a reading of PPM of the water

When you make your batch of Colloidal Silver, measure
the water first and then measure the water after you have made
the mix and subtract the water PPM from the final Colloidal Silver PPM.
It will give you the total dissolved silver reading as PPM. E.g. if the water is 2PPM
and after you have made the Colloidal Silver it now reads 12PPM, this will
mean you have a 10PPM solution of Colloidal Silver.

  Includes everything you need, plus free shipping in Australia, please allow
2-3 days for your order to be processed

Commonly asked questions:

Q. Do you refund my money since I have changed my mind?

A. NO, we do not refund your money for a change of mind....

Q. How long do the probes/rods last?

A. I am still on my first pair, eight years and still going!

Q. How long does it take to make a batch?

A. About 30 minutes for 250ml @ 10-15 PPM

Q. What do I do if no silver is releasing from the rods?

A. If using distilled water, conductivity may be lacking.
To help kick off the process, select the highest voltage setting and reduce the amount of water to a drinking glass. If this is not enough a small amount of conductive water such as rainwater or spring water may be added. Never add salt to the water.  

Q. Is it possible to take too much colloidal silver?

A. Like every thing in life it’s always better to take everything in moderation, in my 10 years of research I have never found anyone to have had adverse reaction to colloidal silver, taking it in small amount of 30ml or less a day.

Q. Do you quarantee the generator?

A. Yes we have a 12 month guarantee on parts, see below

Q. Does the kit come with probes/rods?

A. Yes the kit comes complete with everything you need, including instructions

Q. Is it safe to pay via credit card on the internet?

A. We use PayPal and they guarantee the transaction to be safe, neither they nor I ever get to see your credit card details as they are only used for the transaction and not held unless you ask for your details to be saved for future payments etc

Q. If the Generator is faulty do you exchange it at no cost to me?

A. Yes, if the generator has a fault I will replace it at no charge to you, all you pay is the postage. (please send only the generator, not any other parts like probes etc making sure to wrap it securely, I take no responsibility regarding Australia post for lost items, it’s up to you to register the item.)

If you drop the generator or water gets into the generator or in any other way break the generator the guarantee does not apply and the warranty is void.

It’s time to  think about your family and friends health, why not purchase a colloidal silver generator for them.

A Colloidal Silver Generator is the perfect gift for a loved one, you will be remembered as long as they use the generator, it’s a cheap way to make silver water for home use.

From customers in Australia and the USA

 PS. By the way, the Colloidal Silver Generator Kit turned up today, so that was tremendous service - Many thanks! Wayne via email NSW

Samantha writes, thanks for the prompt reply to my order. NSW

Kay writes, Thank you for being so prompt with the delivery of my Colloidal silver Maker, received this morning.  QLD

Received silver rods the other day. Sorry I have not responded but we work away from home a lot. Thanks for your assistance. Best Regards Neville. SA

Dear Luke we thank you for the rods, they are a bit longer in length than the others we have got, today we got your c/d thank you very much for it , thank you Nik  Vic.

Thank you for your fast response and may God bless you and your family also!     In Christ Gina  USA

Dear Luke,  just to let you know that I received the apparatus this morning and I will use it tonight. I will contact you at a later date to to let you know the results, Many thanks for your prompt response.  Regards from  Bob    Meringandan, QLD

Also check my ratings with ebay and paypal both have a 100% satisfaction from my customers, I always deliver what I promise.

Please send me your story so I can add it here.

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DISCLAIMER: The products and information contained herein
www.colloidal-silver.com are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.